Sprouting Time

Anytime is a wonderful time to start growing a few fresh greens, even if the ground outside is too cold! If it becomes difficult, or already is, to buy fresh produce, this may help! A wonderful way to enjoy a healthy green addition to so many meals, sprouts are very quick and easy to grow on your kitchen counter, no garden or gardening skills needed! There are a just few simple steps to make this happen!

The first step one would be to find a good source of reliable seeds. We used Sproutmaster.com, a well-established Canadian site. The seeds, unsprouted and in sealed packages, have a long shelf life. I have sprouted ours successfully after the seeds being in storage for five years. Given the nutritional benefits, having a good supply of seeds makes sense.

The second step would be to find a container for growing. You will need a simple medium-sized mason jar, with a piece of sieve, plastic or metal screen, in place of the top lid, held in place by the outer ring or an elastic. This is to allow the moisture to drain off the seeds, allowing them to grow in a moist environment but not in water.

Now to make the magic happen! Just put one to two Tablespoons of dry seeds in the jar and cover them with one or two inches of room temperature water. Let sit overnight. The next day, just add some room temperature water, swirl it around with the seeds and them drain. Leave the jar at an angle to allow for good drainage.

Sprouts grow fast and, depending on the seeds and the temperature, you should be able to eat them in 3 or four days! All you have to do is rinse the seeds twice a day to keep them growing. If you have a sunny window, your sprouts will be even greener! Once they look good to eat, you can just use them, or store in the fridge for a few days. Make sure they are well-drained and don’t sit in water in the fridge.

So much fresh goodness in a jar! They add so much to a Green Goodness Wrap, a sandwich like this Great Greek Sandwich,or as a salad base or topper. Discover for yourself the many delicious health benefits of sprouting; you’ll be glad you did!

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