Embracing Change!

I started writing this more than a year ago, before the world was changed by the Covid 19 Pandemic. It was meant to be a summary of many observations and shared truths, a  positive vision of a way forward that might provide hope for a better future, for our earth and all that share it.  Now, so many difficult months later, it seems even more possible that we can, as individuals and societies, make important and significant changes in our daily lives, because we did! The world, in so many ways, came together to care for each other! It was a recognized necessity to respond appropriately to this crisis and it happened! Change happened!

We rediscovered the importance of being aware of what unbiased science and honest, fact-based research was telling us we needed to do. More focus was on our environment and our responsibilities to maintain its health, even if just for humanity’s sake.  Individually, many discovered the joy of simple, at-home culinary pleasures, experimenting with making sourdough bread, but also trying new foods and reaching out to others for creative recipe ideas. So much delicious vegan sharing happened! New plant-based alternatives to all of the meal “basics” became readily available and the inventiveness continues!


In a lonely year, many recognized the gift of sharing time with pets.  Their unconditional love brought joy to so many. More and more, the sentience and value of life other than just human is becoming clear. This understanding brought many to embrace a change of habit, finding that there were kinder choices, food that made us healthy, but didn’t involve hurting others who are equal to (or better than) us in so many ways.

More time was spent exploring the internet, giving us the opportunity to learn more about how the world works, or doesn’t.  There seemed to be an explosion of powerful activism that happened in so many countries, voices joining together to help shine light on the dark corners of ugly and unnecessary practices. Well-funded and important documentaries, as well as heart-breaking “insider” videos and pictures of “animal agriculture” were shared across the world. Though it sometimes seems overwhelming, this “yopping” is being heard!

It seems that we are now more aware than ever of the interconnectedness of the world and the need to share our positive ideas and energies going forward.  The numerous stories of selflessness and compassion, of caring and kindness, of dedication and courage, of perseverance and patience, of inventiveness and flexibility, (the list goes on…) have been so inspiring and remind us of the best qualities of humanity. They provide a hopefulness that we can, indeed, embrace the changes we need to going forward. There is hope for a new and better day on the horizon!


Change: it is constant, inevitable, and essential to growth, to survival. We can and must learn to move with it, to push ourselves and the world to transform for the better. It’s time! There is an abundance of well-documented, well-researched information available to help us in this essential transition. We must be open to hearing it and engaged in helping others to understand and take action. We can and must leave behind the behaviours and habits that we know are destructive. We can find new ways to make the world, cleaner, kinder, more liveable. We can engage with the change, be part of a move in a positive direction, part of a solution. We can choose not to contribute to the destruction, not to support the practices that allow for immeasurable and heartbreaking cruelty to our fellow earthlings. We do know better; we must acknowledge the harsh realities so that we, as individuals, can change. If the demand for animal products diminishes, the logical consequences will mean less cruelty and suffering worldwide. We can, each of us, make a difference with every meal we eat.

I hope this collection of delicious “veganized” recipes and ideas will continue to inspire you to embrace change in your life. I also hope that you will share these ideas and recipes with others. It took me far too many years to recognize and alter long-established behaviours, so many habits and traditions that were contributing to animal cruelty, environmental damage, and poor health. Through personal experience, I can ensure you that, though challenging, change is possible! Don’t wait! It feels so good to break free of the addictions, change patterns of behaviour, and find that the alternatives are so much better in every way!

This might be the time…the world is shifting in unprecedented ways. The impossible may be doable, the seemingly unreachable may start to be within our grasp. The change away from animal exploitation and the serious health consequences and environmental destruction that clearly accompanies that exploitation, will have to happen if there is to be a sustainable future. There will be serious challenges in every aspect of life going forward. Whatever the future looks like, being healthy is still the greatest treasure and, wherever possible, we need to choose wisely what we eat every day. I hope that these recipes will help people discover how delicious change can be! Please feel free to change them up! Make new and delicious combinations with what you like or have on hand! My goal is to share delicious, reliable recipes that will make it easier for others to shift to a kinder, more caring, more informed, and more sustainable way of living.

May you find the strength to stay focused on the light, on the positive changes that are happening every day. There are so many wise and powerful voices speaking out for love, respect, and justice. Find the courage to add yours in any way you can! There still is so much beauty and vitality out there! Seek to focus on the best of what we are and what we can be. Embrace change and stay strong! What can you do to help? Show that you care! Make mindful choices every day! Keep speaking out for the innocent and know that each voice, each “yopp” can help move the world!



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