Changing Hearts and Minds!

It’s 2023! It’s been 13 years since I finally made the connection and started living a vegan life. Like almost everyone who has made this shift, it is a joy tinged with the regret of not having done so earlier.  Today, the truth is absolutely available to any who are willing to listen.  Positive change is happening around the world as more and more people understand the vital importance of caring for our planet and our fellow Earthlings! Millions are choosing to eat mindfully and think about the consequences of their daily choices. Laws are being changed to improve the lives of the sentient beings who, for so long, have been so mistreated. Loud voices are speaking up for those who have no voice! Information about the treatment of our fellow creatures, heart-breaking and unacceptable in every way, that the “animal agriculture” business would keep secret if they could, is starting to become public knowledge.

It is now clearly established that, for most people, a colourful vegan diet can be the healthiest choice at every stage of life, making it a good choice for personal reasons as well as an incredibly important aspect of environmental survival.  Climate change is clearly an urgent issue; not supporting animal agriculture is one way that we can make a difference, just by making a few easy changes. It seems the least we can do! Fortunately, most stores now stock everything you need to substitute and veganize anything you want! Easy and delicious!

Now is the time! This website and so many others are filled with delicious recipes that are easy to enjoy; good for our hearts in so many ways! Change can be hard but is also how the world moves forward. Be inspired by the millions of hearts around the world that have advocated for this change, from ancient Greek philosophers, words from the wisest men and woman over the years and now shared by so many wise and wonderful voices that are finding new ways to help the world understand. I have included some of my favourite and most inspiring quotes on this website; I hope they will continue to inspire others.

“Let us develop respect for all living things.

Let us try to replace violence and intolerance with understanding and compassion. And love.

And love.”

Jane Goodall

“All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death. all love life. See yourself in others.
Then whom can you hurt? What harm can you do?”

Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

“But for the sake of some little mouthful of flesh
we deprive a soul of the sun and light,
and of that proportion of life and time it had been born into
the world to enjoy.”


Please check out this post “Being the Change” for some help in getting your kitchen set up for creating some delicious and easy vegan food. This whole website was created to help others enjoy the delicious food and understand the importance and the joy of “being the change” with every meal!

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