
Creating New Traditions

“Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou One of the hardest things for people is change and especially the idea of changing something that was “traditional”, something that we connected with a special occasion. We are reluctant to give […]

What’s For Dinner?

When we realize how many meals we eat in a lifetime, apparently around 80,000, it seems a daunting challenge to be the one who makes the meals! It is a challenge to stay interested, creative, and caring. Fortunately, a vegan diet, with its rainbow of delicious options, and the amazing […]

Being the Change!

  “Be the change you want to see in the world!” Positive change can and does happen, one heart at a time! Though change can be difficult, when there is every reason to do so, it is not only possible but also full of tremendous potential! Learn from the success […]

A Healthy, Happy Heart

Canada’s new Food Guide supports the importance of being mindful about what and how we eat every day! The science from researchers around the world recognizes the significant health benefits of keeping at least half our plate filled with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables. That’s easy to do when […]

Making Some Necessary Noise

So much creative energy and so much caring and compassion have come together to make this site possible! It is a call to make “good”, well-informed decisions about what we eat, a call to think seriously about the consequences of what we consume, and a call be part of a […]

What’s a Yopp?

Our title was actually inspired by Theodore Geisel, known to so many as Dr. Seuss! He was the author and illustrator of over 60 imaginative and influential children’s books, writing with skill, great heart, and so much wisdom! Though appearing whimsical, his stories encourage readers to think about the world […]

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Nature’s Bounty!

It is truly a joy and a thrill to be able to share these recipes, photographs, and ideas with people around the world! With the guiding hand of my husband, Bill, who has skillfully created this site, and the artistic abilities of our talented friend, Michelle, there is so much […]

The Shape of Things!

Our “A Vital Yopp” logo evolved from our goal to incorporate nature and our love of it into a simple, unique, colourful, and hopefully memorable image. The hexagon reflects the importance of bees, as everything depends on them! It represents an awareness of the important connections in the natural world […]

Becoming Mindful

This has been such a life-changing experience! We are putting our hearts on the line…literally! We hope you will love what you find here, that it adds something positive to your life! Of course, our journey is just beginning! There is so much new to learn (like how to write good blog […]

A New Direction!

I am so excited to be launching A Vital Yopp this week! It seems like perfect timing, just as Canada’s new Health Guide is released, powerfully supporting a change to plant-based eating! This site is a special opportunity to share some wonderful recipes, many of them family favourites that have […]