The Power of Change!

So much change! So much positive energy from so many! I am so full of gratitude for all those who have chosen to acknowledge the hard truths of “animal agriculture” and made the changes in their lives to respect the lives of other beings; all those who have listened to their hearts and are trying to make our world a kinder, more compassionate place.  I have “yopped” about change over the last few years, hopefully inspiring others along the way.  Embracing Change, 2021, and Changing Hearts and Minds, 2023, celebrated all the change that was happening then; today, a vegan diet is clearly becoming much more “mainstream”, with vegan choices in every store and so many restaurants offering delicious vegan food options! Great vegan recipes are easily found on so many wonderful websites; I am proud to be one of the many caring and creative people who are sharing ideas and inspiration.

Our family has certainly embraced the positive power of change over the last few months! Bill and I made a huge leap into something new and wonderful; we are now very happily located in Foothills County, near Bragg Creek, just west of Calgary, Alberta, Canada.

It was a tremendously huge shift, in so many ways! It meant leaving behind a family house after 30 years and it involved a great deal of physical and emotional effort to make it all happen in just a few short weeks, but we did! We can always surprise ourselves at what we are capable of when it is for a shared and positive goal.

The dogs, our children, and our granddaughter are all ecstatic to have four acres to romp around and we have found a place we want to be ALWAYS! I am loving that we have a wide variety of wonderful vegan restaurants to choose from in nearby Calgary and there is even a local vegan coffee shop in Bragg Creek, just five minutes away! The Heart of Bragg Creek

Though there hasn’t been time for many recipe posts in the hectic months of moving, as we settle in, I will have more time to experiment in the kitchen. The recipe posts will have different but beautiful backdrops, but I hope you will still enjoy them!

We have taken the road less travelled and that has made all the difference!

Thanks for caring!



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